Alphabet of the Heart – G is for Gratitude

Gratitude is a key to the Heart -G is for gratitude

 Gratitude, what is it?

It is a key that opens the Heart !

G is for Gratitude, in the alphabet of the Heart, because it is a shortcut into the Heart.

Gratitude is a feeling and a “great attitude” that arises when our focus in on love, who we love, what we love, appreciate and value.

Gratitude alone is a powerful shortcut to shift a mood.

It is a lifeline when the mind is spinning in a whirlwind of negative thoughts.

It is almost as good as humor for shifting and elevating mental focus. In my experience, humor works faster but gratitude lasts longer.

humor is a shortcut into the heart too, just like G is for gratitude

According to the all-knowing Google, gratitude is defined as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”.  I love how this returns to “kindness” which is an action of the Heart.

Gratitude is also a kindness to self and to others.

Gratitude is a product of the heart.  Just focus on what you love and gratitude is there.  By expressing gratitude, you feed the heart and the soul of yourself and others.

Listen to your heart and you will always hear the sounds of gratitude. 


“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”
– Cicero

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
– Meister Eckhardt

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.”
– Aesop

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”
– Henry Ward Beecher

love brings a bouquet of blessings

My Story – It begins on a Thanksgiving Day

There is so much I could say about gratitude but I am moved to share about the first time I truly felt a glimmer of gratitude for the worst things that I had experienced up to that time, events and situations that I believed had only caused stress, loss, and grief.  My Heart is grateful for this experience as it paved the way for greater healing and growth.

I was a young counseling intern at a local mental hospital and it was Thanksgiving Day and I was covering all groups for the holiday. I was asked to combine groups and to facilitate a large group of more than 40 people.   

Since it was Thanksgiving, I introduced what we were to do by saying something like “Let’s go around the circle and say something or a few things that you feel grateful for today”. That sounded so simple… to me.

One brave soul volunteered and the first few people in the circle tried so hard to please the young intern.  They were struggling to find anything to be grateful for and finally, one person just said it straight out.

Their pain and honesty moved my heart.   I pulled the focus back on myself and said, “Let me share and I will show you what I had in mind.”  However, I had no idea what insights were waiting for me.

I was in now the hot seat – the spotlight of all those people’s focus on me.  If you have participated in a group, you know what I mean. It was very much a moment of practicing to “be present”.  And my Heart brought a gift, a present for me in the present.  

And my Heart brought a gift, a present for me in the present.  

I listened inside with an open heart and had my own breakthrough and epiphany about gratitude. I was, for that moment, the one whose heart was being healed.

My Insights about Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day

I realized (and shared) that EVERYTHING that had ever happened to me had led me to that moment.  All the subconscious or conscious memories and events that led me to cry out to God for help, the painful decisions, all the darkest moments of my life – all of those had led me to meet helpers, friends, therapists, way-showers and fellow travelers on the path to self-discovery and awareness.  It led me into my career of helping others.  All of it led to a fulfilling career of service.

That journey included amazing encounters, long years of education, unexpected personal and spiritual growth, the fulfillment of dreams and more. Those faces and events flashed before me in my mind.
And the journey included sitting there in that group on that Thanksgiving Day with those people in that setting, with all the knowledge, strength, self-confidence, education, skills and compassion that I had amassed by that time in my life.

My heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity to do the work that I was called to do.

My Heart showed me that if I changed even one thing from my past that I might change the beauty, strength, and value that was emerging in my life. And that thought was unacceptable to me. I became aware that even if I could, I would not risk changing anything if that would risk changing the benefits.

I experienced being grateful for even the darkest and most difficult times and moments because they motivated me to learn and grow and become a person that I could like and love.

My Heart taught me to look for the blessings in all situations and be grateful for whatever I could find.  It is not easy to love everything, but I have learned that unexpected blessings come from death, loss, and disappointment.  I have learned to look for those blessings and to support others to do that too.

to every season there is a purpose and a blessing

Benefits of Gratitude

I discovered this poem(author unknown) that does a good job of describing the benefits of gratitude:

“Be Thankful.
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.”
-Author Unknown

Research on Gratitude

I have used HeartMath tools to teach self calming breathing. If you are interested in the science and need proof that gratitude can benefit you physically as well as mentally and emotionally, I recommend reading some of the science and research they have on their website.

Frustration Versus Appreciation HRV Coherence
appreciation = gratitude

My friend Google found this website that shares what they think are the 8 best websites about gratitude.  No recommendations but I wanted to encourage your decision to have more gratitude in your life! 🙂

always follow your Heart in all ways

explaining the purpose of the blog series Alphabet of the Heart; G is for gratitude

3 thoughts on “Alphabet of the Heart – G is for Gratitude”

  1. This a great posting, Sue! So true! So many complainers out there! Little to no compassion! Do you have this set for “public” so it has a wide audience? 💖💖💖

  2. Wonderful writing!! I love all of your examples and pieces of art that you include. So much to think about. Gratitude is huge!! I know one thing- I’m grateful for you and all of your wisdom.

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