
Susannah Kaye, MA, MFT, DSS


My name is Susannah Kaye and I color (draw, paint, create) on purpose!  My purpose is to educate, inspire, uplift and encourage the heart and mind to promote peace on earth, one heart at a time.

  • As an artist I know the mental and emotional calm that can come from focusing the body and mind into anything creative, especially coloring!
  • As a cognitive therapist, I know the power of words, thoughts and beliefs and the importance of nurturing the positive ones.

Art has been my therapist, my healer, my escape, my comfort, my joy, my expression, and the way I listen to and let my heart speak.  In recent years, I have discovered that my heart sometimes speaks haiku.

In my over 30 years as a Marriage and Family Therapist, I have followed my own Heart’s instructions: “always follow your heart in all ways”.

As a cognitive therapist, my heart has led me to offer products that educate the mind with heart to promote life-giving core beliefs and heart centered self-esteem and respect.  Currently those products are available the Color On Purpose Etsy Shop.

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If you have any questions or comments, please fill out the contact form below.  I would love to hear from you!