Alphabet of the Heart – E is for Encourage

In my alphabet of the Heart,

E is for encouragement!


I love this word.

Encouragement is an action of following your heart.

I don’t seem to be able to stop myself from encouraging anyone. It comes as naturally as breathing. It took me a long time to recognize that this is a big part of my purpose.

Encouraging someone else ALWAYS brings me back into my center, into my Heart of hearts, into my true Self because I must listen to my heart in order to encourage. When you intend to encourage someone, you have found a shortcut and a key into the Loving flow of the Heart.

Encouragement is a service to both the giver and the receiver. It is the simplest form of service that I know.  It costs nothing except to really listen to others and to follow your heart in your words and actions.

It is a key that unlocks the heart of the one giving and the one receiving.

ENCOURAGEMENT: The true Heart will encourage you. It is positive and uplifting in its messages, never critical or hurtful. I have always loved the word “encouragement”.

According to the dictionary it is:
“1. The act of encouraging.
2. The state of being encouraged.
3. One that encourages.”

I learned to love it even more when I was moved to look more closely and break it down into its parts!

en’ is from French meaning to cause to be in

cour’ from French and Latin meaning heart

age’ meaning a length of time, referring to time

ment’ from Latin meaning the result or product of an action

I hear the word encouragement as – a time of the heart. This is a lovely thing to give or to receive. Encouragement is a key that when used moves the giver and the receiver more deeply in contact with their Heart.

Courage” in the dictionary is said to be “the ability to do something that frightens you; strength in the face of pain or grief”.  Another reference “to support another or yourself to follow your heart to get through, endure or bypass fear in a difficult or challenging situation.”  

the benefits of encouragement

When you are encouraged….

You receive the blessings of the Light from someone else’s Loving Heart.

Your heart is strengthened and expands and opens to receive.

You move into or more deeply into alignment with your true or Spiritual Heart.

You are moved into greater alignment with your Soul’s plan for your life, whatever that is.  Whatever it is, it is very personal and the encouragement simply nurtures your Heart’s Desire.

You are uplifted mentally and emotionally.

You are able to move forward in your life, grieving (a little more) whatever losses you have had and you are more prepared to face the futures

You become aware and reminded that you are not alone.

in summary…

Encouragement is a state of being in time (in sync, in rhythm or aligned) with in your heart wherein you have the strength (an ability provided by your Heart) to bypass fear and move forward.

or more simply stated…


gives your heart wings!

When someone encourages or inspires us they are in their heart loving us and inviting us to follow our hearts.

A few favorite quotes: 

“Nine tenths of education is encouragement.” Anatole France

“Correction does much, but encouragement does more.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.” John O’Donohue


I encourage you to

“Always Follow Your Heart in All Ways”

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