Tips for Listening to Your Heart


Listening to your heart is a relationship with your Self, your deeper or higher self, the better part of who you are. Like any relationship there are some key elements that need to be present or nurtured in order for that relationship to remain healthy and grow.

Some important elements that feed a healthy relationship and communication with your Heart include:

  • Honesty
  • Time
  • Respect
  • Safety
  • Kindness
  • Communication
  • Sense of Humor


Here are a few tips that I have learned about building a healthy and loving relationship with your own heart so that you are more open to receive its wisdom.

  • Create a safe place for your self and your heart filled with respect and kindness – use tools of forgiveness and gratitude to pave the way.  Welcome your heart as your best friend.
  • Create time in your day for your heart. We listen to the mind automatically. Its voice is loud and clear. The heart’s voice is quieter than the mind. It waits patiently until those moments arise or are created where you can look and listen past the mind and its chatter. Set your intention daily to receive a message from your heart.
  • Give the mind a job: listen for the message from the heart. The mind will present you with every excuse it can to keep you from spending any time focused on the heart and listening for its message. Acknowledge the mind and invite it to support you in this process. The mind is a wonderful friend and tool when guided…. by the heart.
  • The Heart is a lie detector and a truth finder. Be honest with yourself, at least. Any lack of self-honesty will block messages from your heart. Creating a safe place for self honesty prepares the way.
  • If you set out to encourage or appreciate yourself or another, you will move into your heart and be in tune with the rhythm of the heart.  Appreciation is a combination of gratitude and acknowledgement with a sprinkling of kindness. 
  • I have observed that the heart is present in gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, encouragement, patience, connection, acceptance and cooperation. If you experience any of those, by giving or receiving, you have been in contact with the heart. 
  • Be open to laughter and joy, which are often shortcuts into the heart. Sometimes the heart will point out the humor in the most serious situations just to relieve the stress and provide comfort.

If you really want the support of the wisdom of your heart as you traverse this sometimes-crazy world, then spend time nurturing the relationship at the center of your being, your heart. It is the doorway to your soul, the source of wisdom and inner support. It is one relationship that you will always have. Take time to honor and nurture it and you will be rewarded with unexpected blessings.

Always Follow Your Heart In All Ways

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