Creative purpose and its seasons

Everything has seasons. Every season has a purpose. Your heart has rhythms and seasons and so does your creativity.

One of the most famous Bible quotes says this: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1

What season are you in? What season is your creativity in? Creativity has a flow and a process very much like the seasons.

There is a creative purpose for every season and every season has its gifts.


The gifts of springtime are most obvious. It is a time of new growth, ideas flooding in and filling us with enthusiasm and excitement of new beginnings. It is a time of inspiration, new ideas to explore and time of active outer creativity. It is a time to receive and cooperate with the creative flow and bring the ideas and dreams into physical form.


The gifts of summer are the fullness of the creative cycle if you have persevered and completed the project. It is a time to honor and acknowledge completions for yourself and share your creativity with others. It is a time to celebrate the purpose of your creativity!


The gifts of the fall season are sometimes the hardest to recognize. It is a time of letting go. It is a time to declare the projects complete and clear the way for what is next. The big gift that emerges is the gift of freedom. It is a time to sweep the leaves of clutter away and create an opening for the next cycle of seasons. It is a time for gratitude.


What is the gift of winter?   Usually we don’t think of winter as a creative time. As a psychologist, I came to greatly respect the unconscious. And winter represents all that is dormant and unconscious. It is a time of passive creation when a great deal is going on in the depths of the unconscious. It’s a time to meditate or to find new ways of connecting with your inner self. It is a wonderful time to listen to the silence and prepare the way to receive the inspiration that lives deep within you.

I find that it is important to honor the seasons of creativity rather than try to push the creative process into the next season before it is time. It is not an easy thing to do especially when you have a deadline or you are just impatient to complete.  Sometimes it just takes a few minutes of stepping back to observe your project and ask with your heart – “What season is this? How can I cooperate with the season I am in? “

May you enjoy all the seasons of your creativity.

seasons of the heart

every season has its gifts

each is a blessing

enjoy every one

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